Why you will travel Sundorban if you travel Bangladesh?

Sundorban is a Mangrove forest but it has some of unique features. If u know this features you will more interested to make a tour to sundorbon. It’s true that some heritage like Sundorban make unknown poverty prone Bangladesh a familiar and known to this world. I am describing in brief some unique features of Sundorbon. 

Royal Bengal Tiger
Royal Bengal Tiger 

This is the largest Mangrove forest in this world.

Sundorban rivers
A beautiful scenario of Sundorban River

Hope You heard about Sundorban that it is the largest mangrove forest in this world. And it was declared as a world heritage too. The Sundarbans covers approximately 10,000 square kilometres (3,900 sq mi) most of which is in Bangladesh with the remainder in India. So if you travel to Sundorban you will able to visit the largest Mangrove forest in this universe. So well come to sundorban, Bangladesh. 

Crocodiles diving in the River in Sundorban

Crocodiles in sondorban
Crocodiles in Sundarban

Locally a fabbles is well known that “jole kumir dangai bagh” means “Crocodiles in water and Tigers are on the land.” It’s real face actully seen in Sundorban. Crocodiles dives in the river and the tigers are roaring in the land. Really it’s an advanture. would you like to experience this advanture?

It us found big crocodiles in sundorbans. 

Sppoted deers in sundorbans

sundarban spotted dear
Spotted dear in Sundarban

Spotted deer is a great attraction of sundorbon. 

Moreover Sundarbans is home to a wide range of types of feathered creatures, well evolved creatures, creepy crawlies, reptiles and angles. More than 120 types of fish and more than 260 types of feathered creatures have been recorded in the Sundarbans. The Gangetic River Dolphin (Platanista gangeticus) is basic in the waterways. No under 50 types of reptiles and eight types of creatures of land and water are known not. The Sundarbans now bolster the main populace of the Estuarine, or Salt-Water Crocodile (Crocodylus parasus) in Bangladesh, and that populace is assessed at under two hundred people.

So welcome to you for a tour to bangladesh.  

Sundorbon - The Largest Mangrove Forest In this World

You May Tour To Sundorban If You visit Bangladesh

Sundorbans In Brif:

The Sundarbans are the largest littoral mangrove belt in the world. The forests aren't just mangrove swamps though, they include some of the last remaining stands of the mighty jungles which once covered the Genetic plain. The Sundarbans cover an area of 10,500 sq km.
Since 1966 the Sundarbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are now 400 Royal Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area. 

Location: Southern Bangladesh and a small part in Eastern India

largest mangrove forest in the world

Position in Google Map: 

Sundorbon World Heritage Position: 

Sundorbon is listed as world heritage at 1997. It's World Heritage list no is 798. So doubt it's a great world heritage. 

How You travel to sundobon?

First You have to reach to Khulna or shatkhira District. You may reach to Khulna or Sharkhira or Mongla.

Via Bus: 

There are avaliable buses From Dhaka to to khulna or shatkhira or Mongla

Via Train:

You may reach to khulna using train Khulna from Dhaka Komlapur Railway Station or Airport Railway Station.

Most Unlikely you have have to get a permission from Divisional Forest Office in Khulna. With permit in hand, it's possible to hire a boat from Mongla or Dhangmari to get you to Hiron Point. From Hiron Point you will have to hire a guide to take you into the park.
You must negotiate the boat price and they will bring you to Karamjal Wildlife Center. It’s just a wildlife center not a zoo. Here you can see some of tame deer, monkeys, snakes in cages.

a royal bengal tiger diving in the river sundorban

Divisional Forest office address to receive permission:

Divisional Forest Office, Circuit House Road, Khulna, +20665 is the place to apply for the mandatory permit.

Thats all about sundorban tour from Dhaka.